Ahh, September. The month when it finally (maybe?) starts to feel like fall. As much as I always dreaded going back to school, September has always been one of my favorite months. There’s pumpkin everything, pretty leaves, fall decor, my birthday…doesn’t get much better than that!
Today I’m linking up and joining in on Blogtember! The goal is to blog about different prompts every day in September. I may not end up blogging every day, but since I’m just starting out, I thought this would be a good way to get in the habit of blogging, and to get to know some other bloggers. So here goes!
I am…
…a list maker. Hence why I’m introducing myself by way of a list 😉 My phone’s notes app is full of lists, and I also have planners, notebooks, notepads, etc. full of lists: to-do lists, goals, blog post ideas, grocery lists, projects I want to try, places I want to go, names for my future children, and yes, even a birthday wish list 😉 What can I say, I like to plan ahead!
…a coffee addict. Whether I make it at home or go out and get it, I have at least one coffee a day, sometimes more. My favorite is a plain iced latte or a peppermint mocha, but I’m not picky!
…an introvert. Give me a book or a podcast and the house to myself for a couple hours and I’m happy. I love quiet evenings at home with my family, and I much prefer getting coffee with a friend over a group event.
…learning to be creative. I’ve never thought of myself as a creative person; my sister has always been the artist/craftsman in the family who could make anything she dreamed up, while I was happy to just have my nose in a book. But I’ve been trying to do more creative activities, like embroidery, coloring, and now writing, and I’m having a lot of fun!
…a reader. I’ve loved to read since I was four years old. I read anything from mystery and suspense to historical fiction to contemporary Christian. I love a good story! But I am trying to read more for learning than for fun. Personal growth, Christian living, business, etc. I love being able to learn by reading, whether through a story or something a little more practical.
…a not-sure-what-I’m-doing-yet college grad. I graduated with my bachelor’s degree in 2015, but I still don’t know what I’m going to do on the career front. I have dreams of someday working in the the pro-life movement or with adoptions, or to own my own business of some kind…but for now, I’m trying to enjoy the season of life I’m in and not to miss the opportunities to grow and prepare for whatever’s next.
…most importantly, a follower of Jesus. I don’t always get it right, but I always want to be learning and growing. Learning more about Him is way more important than learning more about anything else, and that’s what I want my blog to reflect.

What about you? If anyone out there is reading this, please say hi and introduce yourself! 🙂