First Line Friday | Being Known

Happy Friday, friends! We’ve made it through another week! I hope you’re staying safe and healthy, and finding time to relax with a good book. If you’re looking for a hopeful, encouraging story, Robin Jones Gunn’s upcoming release would be a great choice! Today I’m linking up with First Line Friday, hosted by Hoarding Books, and featuring Being Known.

“Whenever I close my eyes and think of my mother, I see her red toenails. Her perfectly manicured toes flaunting her signature nail-polish color, Oh My, Cherry Pie.”

Being Known by Robin Jones Gunn

The Basics

Title: Being Known

Author: Robin Jones Gunn

Series: Haven Makers (Book 2)

Publication Date: April 28, 2020

Genre: Christian Women’s Fiction

My Rating: 5/5 Stars

From the Back Cover: After her mom passed away, Jennalyn was in the midst of moving, having a baby, and helping her husband work toward his dream job. At the time, she thought she processed the shock and loss, but only now that Jennalyn has two small children, a lovely new home, a lucrative side hustle with her art, and a husband who is always working does she feel the full impact of the loss.

Enter an old boyfriend who knew Jennalyn well and who shares many fond memories of her mom. Jennalyn begins to doubt her marriage and all her other life choices ever since her mom passed away. It takes the power of truth, close friends who know her well, and a series of choices at the heart level before Jennalyn can surface from the confusion and see with clarity where her life is headed.

My Thoughts

 I am so glad Robin Jones Gunn is still writing stories featuring her beloved character, Christy Miller Spencer! This is the second book in the Haven Makers series that follows a group of five friends, including Christy and her friend Sierra from another one of Robin’s series, who call themselves the Daughters of Eve and support each other through all the changes and challenges their lives bring. This story is focused on Jennalyn, the one who brought the group together. It’s definitely a character-driven rather than plot-driven story, with characters who feel so real and relatable I can imagine I might run into them at the park if I went to their California town!

I love the premise of the series, about the women who fill in the gaps for each other when they don’t have mothers or sisters to turn to. Reading this beautifully written, heartfelt story made me feel welcomed into their group wish they were real! The author deals gracefully with some tough topics that so many women face in friendships and marriages, and shows us how good friends are instrumental in helping you through the tough times – if you have the courage to be honest and vulnerable and share your heart with them.

Note: although there’s nothing graphic, there is some content that’s more mature in this book; I would recommend it for older teens and up.

Now it’s your turn! Please share the first line of the book you’re reading in the comments below, and don’t forget to head to Hoarding Books to see what first lines other bloggers are sharing, or to share your own!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

First Line Friday | The Joy of Falling

Happy Friday, friends! We’ve made it through another week! I don’t know about you, but I’m glad we have this fun tradition of First Line Friday linkups, to help keep a sense of routine and normalcy in these crazy times. Thanks to Hoarding Books for hosting!

Today I’m featuring Linsday Harrel’s upcoming release, The Joy of Falling. I’m cheating a little and sharing the first two lines 😉

“Once upon a time, color had dominated Eva Jamison’s days. Now she stared at a white wall, with nothing but a black computer screen, a pen holder, and a stapler decorating her tiny world.”

The Joy of Falling by Lindsay Harrel

The Basics

Title: The Joy of Falling

Author: Lindsay Harrel

Publication Date: April 14, 2020

Genre: Christian Contemporary Fiction

My Rating: 4/5 Stars

From the Back Cover: It has been fifteen months since Eva and Angela lost their thrill-seeking husbands in a scuba diving accident. Both women are trying to navigate their way through the grief, but neither one is making much progress. Angela is barely making ends meet, angry at her husband for leaving her to raise three children on her own. Meanwhile, Eva is stuck, unable to move forward after losing the love of her life and her source of inspiration.

But then Eva gets a life-changing phone call. Before Brent and Wes died, they had signed up for a race of a lifetime—an ultra-marathon in beautiful New Zealand. Eva begs Angela to run the race with her in their husbands’ place, and Angela finally agrees, hoping to finally understand her husband’s choices.

Training is exhausting, and the race is even more demanding. Their journey grows more complicated by the presence of two men—Marc is Brent’s best friend who is running the race with Eva and Angela, and Simon King is a writer who is covering their inspiring story. With every step, Eva and Angela must ask themselves questions that they haven’t had the courage to ask before. As the women literally put one foot in front of the other, they wonder: Is it possible to find their way forward in hope?

My Thoughts

Lindsay Harrell has written another heartwarming story filled with faith, purpose, and personal transformation. There were so many layers to the story – from the different family dynamics, a restored relationship between grieving sisters-in-law, finding purpose after tragedy, and a second chance at love when the person you thought you’d love forever is taken from you.

The juxtaposition of Eva and Angela’s ways of dealing with their grief – Eva’s idolization and romanticization of her late husband, and Angela’s anger at hers – helped to provide rich characterization and a realistic picture of the different forms grief can take. Their journeys of spiritual, emotional, and relational transformation were beautifully reflected in the physical transformation they underwent training for the ultra marathon. I think this is Lindsay Harrell’s best book yet!

If you haven’t ordered this book yet, Baker Book House would be a great place to get it! They’re offering some great sales and free shipping, so it’s a perfect opportunity to stock up on books for the next few weeks 🙂

Now it’s your turn! Please share the first line of the book you’re reading in the comments below, and don’t forget to head to Hoarding Books to see what first lines other bloggers are sharing, or to share your own!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

First Line Friday | Flight Risk

Happy Friday! I hope you’re all staying healthy and doing well after another week of quarantine/isolation. I know I’m looking forward to diving in to a good book this weekend! 🙂

Today I’m linking up with Hoarding Books for another First Line Friday, and featuring Cara Putman’s upcoming release, Flight Risk. Keep reading for the first line and my review below!

Monday, December 7

“‘Savannah, call for you on line one. Says he’s a reporter. Never heard of him.'”

Flight Risk by Cara Putman

The Basics

Title: Flight Risk

Author: Cara Putman

Publication Date: April 7, 2020

Genre: Christian Romantic Suspense

My Rating: 4/5 Stars

From the Back Cover: Savannah Daniels has worked hard to build her law practice, to surround herself with good friends, and to be the loyal aunt her troubled niece can always count on. But since her ex-husband’s betrayal, she has trouble trusting anyone.

Jett Glover’s father committed suicide over a false newspaper report that ruined his reputation. Now a fierce champion of truth, Jett is writing the story of his journalism career—an international sex-trafficking exposé that will bring down a celebrity baseball player and the men closest to him, including Savannah’s ex-husband.

When Jett’s story breaks, tragedy ensues. Then a commercial airline crashes, and one of Savannah’s clients is implicated in the crash. Men connected to the scandal, including her ex, begin to die amid mysterious circumstances, and Savannah’s niece becomes an unwitting target.

Against their better instincts, Jett and Savannah join ranks to sort the facts from fiction. But can Savannah trust the reporter who threw her life into chaos? And can Jett face the possibility that he’s made the biggest mistake of his life?

My Thoughts

This book is part legal thriller, part suspense, and full of high-stakes action! With complex characters and an intricately woven plot, Cara Putman has cemented her position as one of my go-to suspense authors. The main characters in the story are a lawyer and an investigative reporter, allowing the story to be told in a unique way. The development of their relationship – from antagonistic, to begrudgingly working together, to friendship and eventually more – feels genuine and natural. I appreciated that they are a little older than main characters typically are in this genre; their life experiences and past struggles make the story much richer, and their romance is based on a foundation of friendship that makes sense with their story.

As with any good suspense novel, there is much more to the story than what meets the eye, and the discovery at the end of who was behind it all was just as shocking to me as it was to the characters!

Now it’s your turn! Please share the first line of the book you’re reading in the comments below, and don’t forget to head to Hoarding Books to see what first lines other bloggers are sharing, or to share your own!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

First Line Friday | Before I Called You Mine

Happy Friday! It seems like our world has completely changed since last Friday… how are you doing with all the craziness? On the bright side, if you’re social distancing or self-isolating, hopefully you’ll have some extra reading time! 🙂

For today’s First Line Friday post, I’m featuring Before I Called You Mine by Nicole Deese. It doesn’t come out for a little over a week, but when it is available, I think it will be the perfect hope-filled book to lighten your heart in these strange times!

“If Obsessive Email Checking Disorder were a disease, I was likely already in the final stages: trigger thumb, mindless refreshing, aimless scrolling, and, of course, an inability to focus on anything else in the entire world.”

Before I Called You Mine by Nicole Deese

The Basics

Title: Before I Called You Mine

Author: Nicole Deese

Publication Date: March 31, 2020

Genre: Christian Contemporary Fiction

My Rating: 5/5 Stars

From the Back Cover: Lauren Bailey may be a romantic at heart, but after a decade of matchmaking schemes gone wrong, there’s only one match she’s committed to now–the one that will make her a mother. Lauren is a dedicated first-grade teacher in Idaho, and her love for children has led her to the path of international adoption. To satisfy her adoption agency’s requirements, she gladly agreed to remain single for the foreseeable future; however, just as her long wait comes to an end, Lauren is blindsided by a complication she never saw coming: Joshua Avery.
Joshua may be a substitute teacher by day, but Lauren finds his passion for creating educational technology as fascinating as his antics in the classroom. Though she does her best to downplay the undeniable connection between them, his relentless pursuit of her heart puts her commitment to stay unattached to the test and causes her once-firm conviction to waver.
With an impossible decision looming, Lauren might very well find herself choosing between the two deepest desires of her heart . . . even if saying yes to one means letting go of the other.

My Thoughts

“We aren’t powerful enough to mess up God’s plan. Can we deny it? Yes. Can we delay it while we chase our own way? Absolutely. But sometimes our character needs time to catch up to our calling.”

This story had me feeling all the feels! I felt like I was on an emotional roller coaster ride with Lauren, through the anticipation, excitement, and heartbreak she felt during her adoption journey. Ms. Deese did such a great job of introducing us to the characters, slowly letting us see more of their motivations and hearts, making them deeply engaging and relatable.

Joshua was such a swoon-worthy hero – seemingly a perfect match for Lauren, except for the timing of when they met, making her question God’s calling on her life. I loved that the story centered on adoption; that’s such an important topic to see portrayed realistically, especially in faith circles. It all added up to an engaging, impactful story that I finished the book in 48 hours; I just had to know what would happen! This was the first book of Nicole Deese’s I’ve read, but it definitely won’t be the last. 

Now it’s your turn! Please share the first line of the book you’re reading in the comments below, and don’t forget to head to Hoarding Books to see what first lines other bloggers are sharing, or to share your own!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

First Line Friday | Chasing the White Lion

Happy Friday! If you’re looking for a good book to devour this weekend, look no further than Chasing the White Lion by James R. Hannibal. I’m sharing the first line of this international spy thriller for First Line Friday, hosted by Hoarding Books, as well as my full review below!

Volgograd, Russia
Wharf District
Present Day

“The cabdriver cast a nervous glance at the alley’s unlit streetlamps and blacked-out windows.”

Chasing the White Lion by James R. Hannibal

Title: Chasing the White Lion

Author: James R. Hannibal

Series: Clandestine Service (Book 2)

Genre: Christian Suspense/Thriller

My Rating: 5/5 Stars

From the Back Cover: Young CIA officer Talia Inger has reconciled with the man who assassinated her father, but that doesn’t mean she wants him hovering over her every move and unearthing the painful past she’s trying to put behind her. Still, she’ll need him–and the help of his star grifter, Valkyrie–if she hopes to infiltrate the Jungle, the first ever crowdsourced crime syndicate, to rescue a group of kidnapped refugee children.

But as Talia and her elite team of thieves con their way into the heart of the Jungle, inching ever closer to syndicate boss the White Lion, she’ll run right up against the ragged edge of her family’s dark past. In this game of cat and mouse, it’s win . . . or die. And in times like that, it’s always good to have someone watching your back.

Former tactical deception officer and stealth pilot James Hannibal takes you deep undercover into the criminal underworld where everyone has an angle and no one escapes unscathed.

My Thoughts

I really enjoyed the first book in this series, The Gryphon Heist (read my review here), and this one is even better! The action is nonstop from the beginning, as Talia and her team try to identify a traitor in the CIA who’s trying to have her killed. There’s a lot going on in this book, and sometimes it can be a little difficult to keep track of all the players, but it’s worth the effort to reach the high-stakes, thrilling conclusion! The plot is full of twists and turns, moments that make you hold your breath and keep you guessing. I loved watching Talia grow in her faith throughout the book, as she learns to trust God and her team, and is able to share her faith with her team in a natural, beautiful way.

James R. Hannibal’s unique brand of suspense and thriller is sure to be a hit, with heists and cons around every corner and a cast of quirky characters unlike any other in Christian fiction.

Now it’s your turn! Please share the first line of the book you’re reading in the comments below, and don’t forget to head to Hoarding Books to see what first lines other bloggers are sharing, or to share your own!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Thank you, Revell!

First Line Friday | One Little Lie

Happy Friday! Today I’m joining Hoarding Books‘ First Line Friday linkup and featuring Colleen Coble’s upcoming release, One Little Lie.

“Button eyed the compound’s exit and forced herself to trudge behind her parents as the pain intensified in her belly. She stifled a groan and filed into the Mount Sinai meeting hall.”

One Little Lie by Colleen Coble

The Basics

Title: One Little Lie by Colleen Coble

Series: The Pelican Harbor Series (Book 1 of 2)

Publication Date: March 3, 2020

Genre: Christian Romantic Suspense

My Rating: 4.5/5 Stars

From the Back Cover: Jane Hardy is appointed interim sheriff in Pelican Harbor, Alabama, after her father retires, but there’s no time for an adjustment period. When her father is arrested for theft and then implicated in a recent murder, Jane quickly realizes she’s facing someone out to destroy the only family she has.

After escaping with her father from a cult fifteen years ago, Jane has searched relentlessly for her mother—who refused to leave—ever since. Could someone from that horrible past have found them?

Reid Bechtol is well-known for his documentaries, and his latest project involves covering Jane’s career. Jane has little interest in the attention, but the committee who appointed her loves the idea of the publicity.

Jane finds herself depending on Reid’s calm manner as he follows her around filming, and they begin working together to clear her father. But Reid has his own secrets from the past, and the gulf between them may be impossible to cross—especially once her father’s lie catches up with him.

My Thoughts

This book is one of Colleen Coble’s best yet! It grabbed my attention from the first page and I couldn’t put it down; I finished it in one day! The characters were so multi-layered and intriguing. More secrets about Jane and Reid’s pasts were revealed with each chapter, as the cases they were investigating became more troubling and multi-faceted. Their background stories of coming out of a cult were fascinating, and I can’t wait to see more of how that plays out in the next book.

This book has all the elements of a great story – a southern small town, a strong female lead trying to overcome her broken past, and plenty of action and suspense with secrets and twists you never see coming. It’s definitely heavier on the suspense than the romance, which feels authentic considering the characters and their stories – and leaves plenty of room to explore their relationship in future books. I predict this series will be one for the keeper shelf!

Now it’s your turn! Please share the first line of the book you’re reading in the comments below, and don’t forget to head to Hoarding Books to see what first lines other bloggers are sharing, or to share your own!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

First Line Friday | More Than We Remember

Happy Friday! It’s time for another First Line Friday, hosted by Hoarding Books. Today I’m sharing from a book that just released this week: More Than We Remember by Christina Suzann Nelson. Keep reading below for my full review!

“The perp was a mama raccoon.”

More Than We Remember by Christina Suzann Nelson

The Basics

Title: More Than We Remember by Christina Suzann Nelson

Genre: Christian Contemporary Fiction

My Rating: 4/5 Stars

From the Back Cover

One night changes everything. . . .

When Addison Kilbourn’s husband is involved in a car accident that leaves a woman dead, her perfectly constructed life crumbles apart. With her husband’s memory of that night gone and the revelation of a potentially life-altering secret, Addison has to reevaluate all she thought she knew.

Emilia Cruz is a deputy bearing a heavy burden far beyond the weight of her job. After a traumatic brain injury, her husband is no longer the man she married, and Emilia’s determined to prevent others from facing the same hardship. When she’s called to the scene of an accident pointing to everything she’s fighting against, she’s determined to see justice for those wronged.

Brianne Demanno is hiding from reality. She once thrived as a counselor, but when tragedy struck a beloved client, she lost faith in herself and her purpose. When her neighbors, the Kilbourns, are thrown into crisis, Brianne’s solitary life is disrupted and she finds herself needed in a way she hasn’t been for too long.

As the lives of these women intersect, they can no longer dwell in the memory of who they’ve been. Can they rise from the wreck of the worst moments of their lives to become who they were meant to be?

My Thoughts

Christina Suzann Nelson’s new book, More Than We Remember, is a powerful story of faith, friendship, and forgiveness. It’s the first book of hers I’ve read, and I’m so glad I decided to read it! It’s an emotionally engaging story full of complex characters who are faced with some incredibly difficult situations and discover the power of forgiveness.

The book follows three women whose lives are changed and intertwined as the result of a fatal car accident. All three women are strong, relatable characters who you want to root for, even when they are at odds with each other. It turns out they are alike in more ways than they think, and if they can find the strength to forgive and face the truth, even if it doesn’t look like they expected, they just might find healing in forging friendships with each other. Overall, this was a beautifully written, heartfelt book that will be enjoyed by fans of Beth K. Vogt, Catherine West, and Katie Ganshert.

Now it’s your turn! Please share the first line of the book you’re reading in the comments below, and don’t forget to head to Hoarding Books to see what first lines other bloggers are sharing, or to share your own!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Saints by Addison Bevere | Book Review

The Basics

Title: Saints: Becoming More Than “Christians”

Author: Addison D. Bevere

Genre: Christian Spiritual Growth

My Rating: 4/5 Stars

My Thoughts

What does it mean to find the good life, the abundant life Jesus promised? Addison Bevere explores this question by taking us through what it means to be saints. The good life, paradoxically, is found in death – both through Jesus’ death and sacrifice, and through our dying to ourselves. That death allows us to find life in God, to be remade into the people He made us to be: people who look and talk and act like Jesus. Our identity as saints means we can live out our eternal identity now, bringing His kingdom and His holiness to our world and the people around us.

This book is challenging and convicting, tackling familiar topics like fear of God, sin, and holiness in a fresh, insightful way. It leans much more heavily on Scripture than on the author’s personal stories, which I appreciate, although I enjoyed his stories and the glimpses of his life. I really enjoyed the study of this “old-fashioned” word, saints, and how learning what it means gives us a new perspective on basic, familiar gospel truths. This book is thought-provoking and encouraging – a book I think every Christian would benefit from reading!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Thank you, Revell!

First Line Friday | Stop Calling Me Beautiful

It’s time for another First Line Friday, hosted by Hoarding Books! The posts shared on this linkup typically feature fiction books, but I’m going to shake it up today and share from a nonfiction book: Stop Calling Me Beautiful by Phylicia Masonheimer. This is such an important book for today’s culture, I want everyone to know about it!

“I attended my first Bible study when I was 16 years old. I came into the house clutching my copy of Beth Moore’s Believing God and spent the next sixteen weeknights glued to my pastor’s TV screen.”

Stop Calling Me Beautiful by Phylicia Masonheimer

The Basics

Title: Stop Calling Me Beautiful: Finding Soul-Deep Strength in a Skin-Deep World

Author: Phylicia Masonheimer

Genre: Nonfiction – Christian Faith

Publication Date: February 18, 2020

My Rating: 5/5 Stars

From the Back Cover: “You’re a beautiful daughter of the Most High King.” And it’s true. But it’s not the whole truth. The beauty of being God’s daughter has backstory.

If you’re tired of hearing the watered-down Christian teaching and hungry for a deeper spiritual life—one that gives real answers to your hardest questions—Stop Calling Me Beautiful teaches you how. You will learn:

  • how to pursue the truths of who God us and who you are in relationship to Him
  • how to study Scripture, and how your view of God determines how you face life’s challenges
  • how legalism, shallow theology, and false teaching keep you from living boldly as a woman of the Word
  • how to experience God’s presence in painful circumstances

Jesus doesn’t offer a powerless salvation. He makes your brokenness part of His whole redemption story—if you allow Him to. Don’t settle for a feel-good faith. If you want victory over insecurity, fear, shame, and the circumstances you are facing, it’s time to embrace Jesus. All of Him.

My Thoughts

Phylicia is one of my favorite people to follow on Instagram, so I was so excited to read her book! If you’re not following her on Instagram, go do that now – she is such a needed voice in today’s world, teaching on discernment, how to study God’s Word, the importance of community, and more.

In Stop Calling Me Beautiful, Phylicia uses the story of the woman at the well to encourage us to go deeper in our faith and live as overcomers in Christ. Her writing style is convicting, practical, and full of grace, and her passion for her message shines through. She touches on topics like spiritual disciplines, legalism, anxiety, community, and more, showing us how the power of the gospel message and getting to know Jesus can transform every part of our lives. I found myself highlighting multiple lines in every chapter; this is definitely a book I will be re-reading and recommending to my friends. Read this book if you want to go deeper in your faith and in your understanding of theology – if you want to live an abundant life as an overcomer in Christ.

Now it’s your turn! Please share the first line of the book you’re reading in the comments below, and don’t forget to head to Hoarding Books to see what first lines other bloggers are sharing, or to share your own!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

First Line Friday | If for Any Reason

Happy Friday! Today is another cold winter day in Maine – it’s currently 11°F! The book I’m sharing from today is the perfect summery escape, with the beautiful beachy cover and charming Nantucket setting. I’m linking up with Hoarding Books and First Line Friday to share the first line from If for Any Reason by Courtney Walsh, as well as my review below.

Emily Ackerman hummed when she was nervous.

If for Any Reason by Courtney Walsh

The Basics

Title: If for Any Reason

Author: Courtney Walsh

Publication Date: February 3, 2020 (available now on Amazon and Christianbook!)

Genre: Contemporary Christian Romance

My Rating: 4.5/5 Stars

From the Back Cover: Emily Ackerman has traveled the world, her constant compass and companion a book of letters her mother left for her when she died. With no father in the picture, her mom’s advice has been her only true north. But when professional failure leads Emily back to Nantucket to renovate and sell the family cottage she inherited, she wonders if her mom left advice to cover this . . . especially when her grandmother arrives to “supervise.” And especially when her heart becomes entangled with Hollis McGuire, the boy next door–turned–baseball star who’s back on the island after a career-ending injury.

As sparks fly between her and Hollis, Emily is drawn to island life, even as she uncovers shocking secrets about the tragic accident that led to her mother’s death. With her world turned upside down, Emily must choose between allowing the voices from her past to guide her future or forging her own path forward.

My Thoughts

Courtney Walsh is one of my favorite authors, and she does not disappoint with her new book! I love that Emily’s story is interspersed with the letters from her mom, and chapters that go back in time to show us glimpses of her mother’s life. Hollis and Emily’s friendship developed beautifully, as they got reacquainted and began to fall for each other. Jolie, Hollis’ daughter, added sweet, tender, and thought-provoking moments, both for Hollis and Emily and for us as readers. Hollis and Emily each came to Nantucket facing their own challenges, and I loved how they challenged each other and encouraged each other to grow.

After tragedy and failure, Emily vowed to take her mother’s advice and protect her heart, running away before anyone could get too close. But Hollis (and Jolie) slipped through her defenses and helped her realize life is so much richer when you give your heart to someone who will take care of it, even when it means taking risks. I loved Emily’s story of finding what she was meant to do in an unlikely way, and Hollis’ story of connecting with his daughter and finally being the father she needed. This poignant, heartfelt story is quintessential Courtney Walsh, with her signature layered plot and rich characters – a must-read for any fan of contemporary romance!

Now it’s your turn! Please share the first line of the book you’re reading in the comments below, and don’t forget to head to Hoarding Books to see what first lines other bloggers are sharing, or to share your own!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author and publisher. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.