First Line Friday | When Twilight Breaks

Happy Friday! If you are looking for a fantastic book to get lost in this weekend, look no further than When Twilight Breaks by Sarah Sundin. I am so excited to be featuring this stunning historical romance for today’s edition of First Line Friday, the weekly linkup hosted by Hoarding Books.

Berlin, Germany

Tuesday, March 15, 1938

“Evelyn Brand had done a crack bit of journalism, and she hadn’t even had to dress like a man to do so.”

When Twilight Breaks by Sarah Sundin

The Basics

Title: When Twilight Breaks

Author: Sarah Sundin

Release Date: February 2, 2021

Genre: Historical Romance

My Rating: 5 Stars

From the Back Cover:

Munich, 1938

Evelyn Brand is an American foreign correspondent determined to prove her worth in a male-dominated profession and to expose the growing tyranny in Nazi Germany. To do so, she must walk a thin line. If she offends the government, she could be expelled from the country–or worse. If she does not report truthfully, she’ll betray the oppressed and fail to wake up the folks back home.

Peter Lang is an American graduate student working on his PhD in German. Disillusioned with the chaos in the world due to the Great Depression, he is impressed with the prosperity and order of German society. But when the brutality of the regime hits close, he discovers a far better way to use his contacts within the Nazi party–to feed information to the shrewd reporter he can’t get off his mind.

As the world marches relentlessly toward war, Evelyn and Peter are on a collision course with destiny.

My Thoughts

If I could give this book more than five stars, I would! When Twilight Breaks is a Sarah Sundin’s best work yet. She has proven once again why she is a master storyteller and one of the best authors of WWII fiction! This story is unique among her books, as it takes place before the war and features main characters who are not members of the military. It was fascinating to read more about what life was like for Americans in prewar Nazi Germany.

Peter and Evelyn are both rich, compelling characters. With her spunk and determination, and his steady, protective nature, they complement each other so well. I felt like I was right there in Germany with them, as Peter came to realize necessity of balancing order and freedom, and Evelyn insisted on finding and sharing the truth, no matter the consequences. Their story is perfectly intertwined with the historical events of the time, full of the detail and accuracy Sundin is known for. Tension and intrigue add sparks to the story as Peter and Evelyn find themselves in danger again and again, never sure who they can trust.

Books like this one are the reason I love reading – I love the feeling of finding a story that captivates my heart and my mind, and shows me something about the world from a different perspective. I’m sure this powerful story of faith, commitment, and courage will stay with you long after the last page as it has with me.

Now it’s your turn! Please share the first line of the book you’re reading in the comments below. Don’t forget to head to Hoarding Books to see what first lines other bloggers are sharing, or to share your own!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Thank you, Revell!

First Line Friday | Cast the First Stone

Happy Friday! I am so excited about the book I’m featuring for First Line Friday today – it’s a fresh take on suspense that isn’t like anything I’ve read before! If you enjoy suspense, thrillers, or time travel, Cast the First Stone by David James Warren (a collaboration between Susan May Warren, James L. Rubart, and David Curtis Warren) should be at the top of your TBR list.

“It’s the regrets that keep me awake.”

Cast the First Stone by David James Warren

The Basics

Title: Cast the First Stone

Author: David James Warren

Series: The True Lies of Rembrandt Stone (Book 1 of 6)

Release Date: February 9, 2021

Genre: Suspense, Time Travel Thriller

My Rating: 5 Stars

From the Back Cover: One case haunts him. One chance to fix the past. One mistake could cost him everything.

Ex-Minneapolis Police Detective Rembrandt Stone walked away from a career he loved—just the price of being sure he can come home to the wife and daughter he cherishes. But he can’t shake the deep regret over a case left behind.

When his mentor, the former Chief of Homicide dies and leaves Rembrandt with a box of cold cases and a mysterious watch, he finds himself thrust into a world he recognizes—a world from twenty years ago—the same world he’s woken from in a cold sweat a hundred times. But is it a dream, or some kind of twisted reality?

If he solves the case that plagues him, and justice is finally served, will it destroy the life he loves?

My Thoughts

Cast the First Stone is a totally unique spin on the suspense genre, featuring a time traveling detective named Rembrandt Stone. The collaboration between these three fabulous authors makes for a thrilling story I couldn’t put down! I’m not usually a fan of the sci-fi genre, so I wasn’t sure how I would feel about the time travel in this book, but I am a big fan of Susan May Warren – I should have known that this book would be amazing!

Rembrandt Stone is a character that you will fall in love and root for from the first page. He is a dedicated family man, struggling with writer’s block and haunted by the cold cases he left behind when he left the police force. When he finds himself back at the scene of his first cold case, he has the chance to solve it this time… but at what cost?

These master storytellers have crafted a novel full of gripping suspense, intrigue, and flawed yet relatable characters. I can only imagine that their skill will become more apparent throughout the series as more of the time travel plot is revealed. My heart was in my throat by the ending of this book – what a cliffhanger! I am so glad there are five more books in this series and that they are all coming out this year; I’m already wishing for book 2!

Now it’s your turn! Please share the first line of the book you’re reading in the comments below. Don’t forget to head to Hoarding Books to see what first lines other bloggers are sharing, or to share your own!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author as part of the launch team. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

First Line Friday | ‘Til I Want No More

Happy Friday, fellow readers! It’s hard to believe it’s the last Friday in January already – the first month of 2021 is almost over! Today I’m joining the First Line Friday linkup hosted by Hoarding Books and featuring ‘Til I Want No More by Robin W. Pearson.

“‘You know trouble ain’t catchin’.’ Ruby Tagle’s dark eyes flicked in her granddaughter’s direction. ‘Nobody’s gon’ sneeze and give it to you or your Theodore.'”

‘Til I Want No More by Robin W. Pearson

The Basics

Title: ‘Til I Want No More

Author: Robin W. Pearson

Release Date: February 2, 2021

Genre: Contemporary Christian Fiction

My Rating: 4 Stars

From the Back Cover: When the man she loved years ago returns to town, one young woman’s complicated past rises again, threatening to expose her well-kept secrets.

If Maxine could put her finger on the moment when her life went into a tailspin, she would point back twenty years to the day her daddy died. She tells herself he’s the only person who ever really knew and loved her, and if he hadn’t left her behind, her future would’ve taken a different path. No absentee mother, no stepfather, no rebellious ripping and running during her teenage years. And no JD, who gave her wandering young heart a home, at least for a time.

But that’s over and done with. All grown-up now, Maxine has pledged her heart and ring finger to Theodore Charles, the man she’ll promise to love, honor, and obey in front of God and everybody. At least that’s what she’s telling anybody who will listen. The only folks buying it are the dog and the readers of her column, however. Her best friend and family aren’t having it—not even Celeste, the double bass–playing thirteen-year-old the community of Mount Laurel, North Carolina, believes is Maxine’s adopted sister. And apparently, neither is the newly returned JD, who seems intent on toppling Maxine’s reconstructed life. As her wedding day marches ever closer, Maxine confronts what it means to be really known and loved by examining what’s buried in her own heart and exposing truth that has never seen the light of day.

My Thoughts

Robin W. Pearson has written a poignant story of forgiveness and redemption in ‘Til I Want No More. This novel is definitely character-driven and moves at a slower pace, but that is part of its Southern charm. Maxine is a compelling heroine – although at times you want to say, “What were you thinking?,” her fears, dreams, and inner musings make her so relatable. The whole cast of characters – Maxine’s parents and grandparents, her friend Evelyn, and Pastor Atwater and his wife all added richness and depth to the story as they helped Maxine face her past.

This book is a powerful look at how the secrets we keep can have such an impact on everyone around us – but it’s never too late to tell the truth and be set free. I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to fans of Lauren K. Denton, Beth Vogt, and Ashley Clark!

Now it’s your turn! Please share the first line of the book you’re reading in the comments below. Don’t forget to head to Hoarding Books to see what first lines other bloggers are sharing, or to share your own!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

First Line Friday | Active Defense

Happy Friday! For today’s First Line Friday linkup, hosted by Hoarding Books, I’m sharing from a new book by one of my favorite suspense authors. Active Defense, the third book in Lynette Eason’s Danger Never Sleeps series, just came out a couple of weeks ago. It’s one you won’t want to miss!


Kabul, Afghanistan

“Dr. Heather Fontaine strapped her feet into the sandboard and pushed off.”

Active Defense by Lynette Eason

The Basics

Title: Active Defense

Author: Lynette Eason

Series: Danger Never Sleeps (Book 3 of 4)

Genre: Christian Romantic Suspense

My Rating: 4 Stars

From the Back Cover:

She’s used to life-or-death situations.
She just didn’t expect them to follow her home.

When former field surgeon Heather Fontaine returns from a party to find that someone has broken into her house–and threatened her friends–she assumes it is the stalker who has been creeping her out. She hopes to find safety and peace of mind by leaving the city and hiding out in a small town. But trouble follows her even there.

Luckily, a stalker isn’t the only one observing Heather. Travis Walker has been secretly watching out for her for weeks. As owner of his own security agency, it’s what he does. Together, Travis and Heather must figure out who wants her dead–and why–before it’s too late.

My Review

Lynette Eason has written another intense, action-packed suspense novel in Active Defense! This is the third book in the Danger Never Sleeps series, that follows four friends as they return stateside from their military service. This book can be read as a stand-alone, but the overlapping characters definitely add richness to each story.

This story is full of twists and turns, as a tragedy Heather experienced in Afghanistan appears to have followed her home. The action ramps up throughout the book – danger seems to be around every corner for Heather, and Travis as he tries to protect her. All of the suspense culminates in a major plot twist at the end! I was definitely shocked when the perpetrator was revealed.

I highly recommend this book, and the whole series, to fans of romantic suspense! If you enjoy authors like Dani Pettrey, Rachel Dylan, and Lisa Harris, you won’t want to miss this one. Watch for the fourth and final book in the series, Hostile Intent, which is coming out in August!

Now it’s your turn! Please share the first line of the book you’re reading in the comments below. Don’t forget to head to Hoarding Books to see what first lines other bloggers are sharing, or to share your own!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Thank you, Revell!

First Line Friday | Lethal Intent

Happy Friday, and welcome to another First Line Friday linkup, hosted by Hoarding Books! Today I’m sharing the first line of a legal thriller that just released this week: Lethal Intent by Cara Putman.

“The phone felt warm against her cheek. Caroline Bragg ran a hand along the edge of the clothes hanging in her closet and inhaled, then slowly released her breath.”

Lethal Intent by Cara Putman

The Basics

Title: Lethal Intent

Author: Cara Putman

Genre: Christian Romantic Suspense

My Rating: 4 Stars

From the Back Cover: If they expected silence, they hired the wrong woman. 

Caroline Bragg’s life has never been better. She and Brandon Lancaster are taking their relationship to the next level, and she has a new dream job as legal counsel for Praecursoria—a research lab that is making waves with its cutting-edge genetic therapies. The company’s leukemia treatments even promise to save desperately sick kids—kids like eleven-year-old Bethany, a critically ill foster child at Brandon’s foster home. 

When Caroline’s enthusiastic boss wants to enroll Bethany in experimental trials prematurely, Caroline objects, putting her at odds with her colleagues. They claim the only goal at Praecursoria is to save lives. But does someone have another agenda? 

Brandon faces his own crisis. As laws governing foster homes shift, he’s on the brink of losing the group home he’s worked so hard to build. When Caroline learns he’s a Praecursoria investor, it becomes legally impossible to confide in him. Will the secrets she keeps become a wedge that separates them forever? And can she save Bethany from the very treatments designed to heal her? 

This latest romantic legal thriller by bestseller Cara Putman shines a light on the shadowy world of scientific secrets and corporate vendettas—and the ethical dilemmas that plague the place where science and commerce meet.

My Thoughts

Cara Putman writes excellent legal thrillers, and Lethal Intent is my favorite of her books so far! The combination of legal and medical issues brought up some ethical dilemmas that added to the suspense in a unique way. I loved the dynamics between Caroline and Brandon – they had been friends for years and were already dating at the beginning of the book, so the story follows the growth rather than the beginning of their relationship. That’s not as common in romantic suspense, but it worked so well for this story! I also really enjoyed the focus on foster care, especially learning about the different challenges Brandon faced with his unique version of a foster home.

This book does include some characters from Cara Putman’s past books, but it is a stand-alone novel. I would recommend Lethal Intent for fans of romantic suspense, especially fans of Rachel Dylan and Irene Hannon.

Now it’s your turn! Please share the first line of the book you’re reading in the comments below. Don’t forget to head to Hoarding Books to see what first lines other bloggers are sharing, or to share your own!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

First Line Friday | Dreams of Savannah

It’s Friday, and you know what that means – it’s time for another First Line Friday linkup with Hoarding Books! Today I’m sharing the first line of Roseanna M. White’s newest historical novel, Dreams of Savannah, that just released this week.

Savannah, Georgia

May 1861

“Cordelia Owens had dreamed of this day a hundred times. This moment. This story just waiting to happen.”

Dreams of Savannah by Roseanna M. White

The Basics

Title: Dreams of Savannah

Author: Roseanna M. White

Genre: Christian Historical Fiction

My Rating: 5 Stars

From the Back Cover: Cordelia Owens can weave a hopeful dream around anything and is well used to winning the hearts of everyone in Savannah with her whimsy. Even when she receives word that her sweetheart has been lost during a raid on a Yankee vessel, she clings to hope and comes up with many a romantic tale of his eventual homecoming to reassure his mother and sister.

But Phineas Dunn finds nothing redemptive in the first horrors of war. Struggling for months to make it home alive, he returns to Savannah injured and cynical, and all too sure that he is not the hero Cordelia seems determined to make him. Matters of black and white don’t seem so simple anymore to Phin, and despite her best efforts, Delia’s smiles can’t erase all the complications in his life. And when Fort Pulaski falls and the future wavers, they both must decide where the dreams of a new America will take them, and if they will go together.

My Thoughts

Dreams of Savannah is a captivating story set in Savannah during the Civil War. Delia is a delightful character – a charming heroine and gifted storyteller. She is a little naive at the beginning of the story, but is forced to confront some painful truths when a shameful family secret comes to light. Phin, her sweetheart, is a member of the Confederate Navy and finds himself questioning his long-held beliefs when he is forced to rely on an unlikely hero. He and Delia are both transformed during the course the book and make some difficult decisions about the kind of people they want to be.

This story has it all – from rich historical detail, to a compelling hero and heroine, to a devious villain, to the powerful themes of faith and redemption. I found myself drawn in from the beginning and hard a hard time putting it down. Highly recommended for fans of historical fiction!

Now it’s your turn! Please share the first line of the book you’re reading in the comments below. Don’t forget to head to Hoarding Books to see what first lines other bloggers are sharing, or to share your own!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Top Ten Tuesday | Most Anticipated 2021 New Releases

Happy New Year! A new year brings more new books, and there are so many new books coming out in 2021 that I can’t wait to read! Today I’m joining That Artsy Reader Girl’s Top Ten Tuesday linkup and sharing my most anticipated new releases for the first half of the year. I already have 77 new 2021 releases on my Goodreads Want to Read shelf, so it was no small task to pick out the 10 I’m most excited about from the first half of the year! Here they are, in order of release date:

1.All That We Carried by Erin Bartels (January 5, 2021)

2. Still the One by Rachel D. Russell (January 12, 2021)

3. When Twilight Breaks by Sarah Sundin (February 2, 2021)

4. Cast the First Stone by David James Warren (February 9, 2021)

5. Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life by Jordan B. Peterson (March 2, 2021)

6. The Beirut Protocol by Joel C. Rosenberg (March 9, 2021)

7. Ten Words to Live By: Delighting in and Doing What God Commands by Jen Wilkin (March 30, 2021)

8. Is It Any Wonder by Courtney Walsh (April 6, 2021)

9. Let It Be Me by Becky Wade (May 4, 2021)

10. The Paris Betrayal by James R. Hannibal (May 4, 2021)

What new books are you looking forward to in 2021?

Top Ten Tuesday | Favorite Books of 2020

Happy Tuesday! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and maybe even got a new book or two 🙂 As sad as it is that Christmas is over, it is fun to take some time to look back at 2020 and ahead to the new year. Today I’m joining That Artsy Reader Girl’s Top Ten Tuesday linkup and sharing my favorite books of 2020!

So far I have read 135 books in 2020 – I may finish another one by the 31st, but even if I don’t, I have surpassed my goal of 120 for the year and my record of 109 last year! The problem with reading so many books is that it was hard to narrow it down to my 10 favorites 😉 It would be even harder to rank them, so I’ll just list them in alphabetical order!

My Favorite Books of 2020

  1. Chasing the White Lion by James R. Hannibal

Definitely an intense thriller – James R. Hannibal is becoming one of my favorite authors!

2. Everywhere to Hide by Siri Mitchell

This book features one of the most unique heroines and plots I’ve read about in a long time!

3. Fortitude: American Resilience in the Era of Outrage by Dan Crenshaw

Congressman Crenshaw is one of my favorite people to follow, and this book is so perfect for the times and culture we are living in.

4. The Jerusalem Assassin by Joel C. Rosenberg

Joel C. Rosenberg is one of my all-time favorite authors, and the Marcus Ryker series is his best yet!

5. Jesus Over Everything: Uncomplicating the Daily Struggle to Put Jesus First by Lisa Whittle

This book came out at a time in my life when I really needed it, and it’s definitely one I will read again.

6. Only You by Susan May Warren

The Deep Haven and Christiansen Family series are some of my favorites of Susan May Warren’s (and both series are on Kindle Unlimited!). This prequel novella is a fun story that includes some of my favorite characters from those series, and got me excited for the Deep Haven collection coming out in 2021! Only You is free for Sunrise Publishing email subscribers – even better 😉

7. Soul Raging by Ronie Kendig

This is the much-anticipated conclusion to the Book of the Wars series, and it is definitely worth the wait! I think this is my favorite of Ronie Kendig’s series so far.

8. Things We Didn’t Say by Amy Lynn Green

This incredible epistolary novel earned Amy Lynn Green a spot among my favorite WWII authors. I can’t wait to read whatever she writes next!

9. To Love a Prince by Rachel Hauck

A stunning novel by Rachel Hauck that demonstrates why she is the master of royal stories!

10. You’re Not Enough (and That’s Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love by Allie Beth Stuckey

This is another book that is so timely and relevant. I love Allie’s heart for the Gospel and the way she points us back to the truth of God’s word.

What were some of your favorite books of 2020? Please let me know in the comments – I’m always looking for more books to add to my TBR!

First Line Friday | Night Bird Calling

Happy Friday! Can you believe Christmas is one week from today? I hope you’ve had some time to relax and enjoy this season, even in the midst of the busyness!

The book I’m featuring today for First Line Friday is definitely not a fun, lighthearted read, but it is a powerful and emotional story. Night Bird Calling by Cathy Gohlke won’t be out for a couple of weeks, but you can read the first line and my review below!

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

May 1941

“My mother was a beautiful woman, a magnificent and generous woman who loved music and poetry and literature and gardens.”

Night Bird Calling by Cathy Gohlke

The Basics

Title: Night Bird Calling

Author: Cathy Gohlke

Release Date: January 5, 2021

Genre: Christian historical fiction

My Rating: 3.5 Stars

From the Back Cover: When Lilliana Swope’s beloved mother dies, Lilliana gathers her last ounce of courage and flees her abusive husband for the home of her only living relative in the foothills of No Creek, North Carolina. Though Hyacinth Belvidere hasn’t seen Lilliana since she was five, she offers her cherished great-niece a safe harbor. Their joyful reunion inspires plans to revive Aunt Hyacinth’s estate and open a public library where everyone is welcome, no matter the color of their skin.

Slowly Lilliana finds revival and friendship in No Creek—with precocious eleven-year-old Celia Percy, with kindhearted Reverend Jesse Willard, and with Ruby Lynne Wishon, a young woman whose secrets could destroy both them and the town. When the plans for the library also incite the wrath of the Klan, the dangers of Lilliana’s past and present threaten to topple her before she’s learned to stand.

With war brewing for the nation and for her newfound community, Lilliana must overcome a hard truth voiced by her young friend Celia: Wishing comes easy. Change don’t.

My Thoughts

This book was my introduction to Cathy Gohlke’s writing, and I was impressed by her ability to weave a rich story full of historical detail and authentic characters. She offers a glimpse into the South in the early 1940s, when the horrors of racism and the KKK were still prevalent. Those topics, combined with the abuse several characters face, make this a book I would only recommend to older teenagers and above. However, the way these difficult topics are handled with such honesty and grace is what makes this such a powerful, moving story. Lilliana’s determination, Celia’s spunk, and Hyacinth’s story of redemption will stay with you long after the last page. This book is a must-read for historical fiction fans!

Now it’s your turn! Please share the first line of the book you’re reading in the comments below. Don’t forget to head to Hoarding Books to see what first lines other bloggers are sharing, or to share your own!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

First Line Friday | All Through the Night

Happy Friday! I can’t believe it’s already time for another First Line Friday… December is flying by, and Christmas will be here before we know it! Today I’m featuring All Through the Night, an upcoming release by new-to-me author Tara Johnson.

April 1861

“‘What do you think, Songbird?'”

All Through the Night by Tara Johnson

The Basics

Title: All Through the Night

Author: Tara Johnson

Release Date: January 5, 2021

Genre: Christian Historical Fiction

My Rating: 5 Stars

From the Back Cover: With her stammering tongue and quiet ways, Cadence Piper has always struggled to be accepted. After the death of her mother, Cadence sets her heart on becoming a nurse, both to erase the stain her brother has left on the family’s honor and to find long-sought approval in the eyes of her father. When Dorothea Dix turns her away due to her young age and pretty face, Cadence finds another way to serve . . . singing to the soldiers in Judiciary Square Hospital. Only one stubborn doctor stands in her way.

Joshua Ivy is an intense man with a compassionate heart for the hurting and downtrodden. The one thing he can’t have is an idealistic woman destroying the plans he’s so carefully laid. When the chaos of war thrusts Cadence into the middle of his clandestine activities, he must decide if the lives at stake, and his own heart, are worth the risk of letting Cadence inside.

Everything changes when Joshua and Cadence unearth the workings of a secret society so vile, the course of their lives, and the war, could be altered forever. If they fight an enemy they cannot see, will the One who sees all show them the way in the darkest night?

My Thoughts

This was the first of Tara Johnson’s books I’ve read, but it won’t be the last! I can be a little picky when it comes to historical fiction, but this book had just the right balance of an intriguing storyline, historical detail, and engaging characters. I enjoyed the unique historical aspects, with a focus on the brave doctors and nurses who served the Union during the Civil War, both in Washington DC and on the battlefield. The added elements of Joshua’s clandestine work were fascinating from a historical perspective, and made the book hard to put down!

I loved Cadence and Joshua as characters and thought they complemented each other very well, even though they got off to a rocky start! They brought out the best in each other, helped each other grow, and accomplished so much more together than they could have on their own. This multifaceted story even had some suspense mixed in that led to some tense moments at the end! This book is a must-read for fans of historical fiction, especially from the Civil War era.

Now it’s your turn! Please share the first line of the book you’re reading in the comments below. Don’t forget to head to Hoarding Books to see what first lines other bloggers are sharing, or to share your own!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.