Looking for Lovely Review

Looking for Lovely book review | Grace to Grow Blog

From the publisher: “I want you to take every step of your life with excitement for where you are headed. And I want you to feel beautiful and confident as you do.”

But how? When the enemy whispers lies that you are not smart enough, pretty enough, or rich enough? Or you are too dumb, too loud, too quiet, too thin, too fat, too much or not enough? What if you don’t have what it takes to be who you really want to be?

 In Looking for Lovely, Annie F. Downs shares personal stories, biblical truth, and examples of how others have courageously walked the path God paved for their lives by remembering all God had done, loving what was right in front of them, and seeing God in the everyday—whether that be nature, friends, or the face they see in the mirror.

 Intensely personal, yet incredibly powerful, Looking for Lovely will spark transformative conversations and life changing patterns. No matter who we are and what path God has us on, we all need to look for lovely, fight to finish, and find beautiful in our every day!

Perseverance. It doesn’t sound like much fun, does it? When things get tough, it’s easy to give up, to quit, to throw up your hands and say you’ve had enough…but that’s not what God wants for us, and that’s not what Annie Downs wants for herself–or for you.

I love to read stories, and that’s why I’ve always read a lot more fiction than nonfiction. But let me tell you, Annie’s new book Looking for Lovely is the perfect blend of stories and inspiration! She effortlessly weaves life lessons into stories from her life; she keeps you smiling, laughing, learning, and maybe crying, just a little. In Looking for Lovely, Annie tells stories about how God has been teaching her to persevere, to trust the path He has her on, to keep going and keep looking to Him when things get tough, to look for the lovely things in life that help us see the joy in the journey.

Looking for Lovely really spoke to my heart. I long to live a life of joy, even in the hard times. I want to learn to look for the lovely, beautiful bright spots God has put in my life, no matter how small or everyday, and to let them give me the courage to keep going. I want to be the person who lives life a little slower but a little fuller, savoring the richness of the little ways God shows Himself to me. Annie’s book is helping me see ways that I can look for my own lovely.

This book would be great for women in all stages of life, from girls like me in their early 20s to moms or single ladies in their 30s, 40s, or beyond. And this month, Annie has also released Bible study guides for students and adult ladies to go along with the book! You can buy it at Lifeway or Amazon, get a group of girlfriends together, and dig a little deeper. You won’t regret it!

 About Annie

Annie F. Downs is an author and speaker based in Nashville, Tennessee. Flawed but funny, she uses her writing to highlight the everyday goodness of a real and present God.

Annie is the author of Let’s All Be Brave, a book for men and women about the power we each have to make a difference on this planet. By weaving together personal stories, humor, and Scripture, she invites those reading to experience fulfilled lives with a God who made them on purpose and loves them deeply.

While she loves writing- books, blogs, articles, thank-you notes- Annie also enjoys traveling around the world speaking to young women, college students, and adults.

Annie is a huge fan of bands with banjos, glitter, her community of friends, boiled peanuts, and football games. You can catch up with her blog and her other projects at http://www.anniefdowns.com/.

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